Gridscape. Here to Power.
Powering Change
Climate change is real and we are seeing the manifestation of the same in rising temperatures, melting ice-caps, drastic weather change and lot’s more. And these are not isolated phenomenon but are happening closer home. To us, as a whole. But the good bit is, the fight against climate change has started. Gridscape is playing a big role in this change.
With sustainable living at its heart, Gridscape is providing an alternative source of power with solar-powered microgrids. It’s giving power back in the hands of the people. Let’s see how.
Powering People
As a smart energy solutions company, Gridscape is one of the largest manufacturers and providers of solar microgrids and EV charging systems in California. Our power installations are designed to run independent of the main grid to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. Making it the future of clean energy. The benefits don’t just end there. Natural calamities often disrupt power supplies from main grids. In 2017, hurricane Maria damaged the centralised electricity grid in the US that left many without power for more than a year. Gridscape microgrids act as independent reservoirs of power that powers communities to function without interruptions. In fact, Gridscape has been awarded several CEC grants to design and deploy cost-effective, solar-powered microgrids at fire stations, municipal buildings and other C&I customers. Yes, solar energy is no longer pricey.
Powering Progress
This backup clean power is also energy saving, sustainable and an additional source of revenue rolled into one. With technological progress, solar-powered microgrids have become an economic reality, which helps in keeping local businesses running during power outages. More and more pockets in the US are switching to sustainable microgrids to deal with power outages during calamities.
Powered by Technology
Solar energy has been around for some time now. It’s how Gridscape delivers it is what makes us unique. Yes, there’s technology at play here. Unlike traditional ones, artificial intelligence (AI) based software deploys and manages Gridscape microgrids, making them more efficient and responsive. The software-driven architecture also allows us to change the operational modes of the microgrids on demand. And to keep the technology up to date, all it takes is an upgrade of the software. Along with it, the integration of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging and other controllable loads into the grids make it especially lucrative.
Powered by Experts
Working along with machine intelligence is our team of experts, dedicated to the cause of clean energy. Along with the requisite qualification, the team also brings to the table years of experience in deploying, operating and maintain solar microgrids. Adding on, our strategic partnerships with various financiers, energy storage manufacturers and other renewable energy providers give us an upper hand when it comes to providing the best of renewable technology at competitive pricing. Our projects with Shell and Marin Clean Energy stand as testimony to our operational efficiency.
One of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations is access to affordable and clean energy. At Gridsape, we work towards that goal every day.
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Gridscape is among the world’s leading renewable energy solutions provider.