Get ahead with microgrids

Clean energy revolution is taking place in every sector and the manufacturing sector is not far behind. One of the chief benefits of moving manufacturing and other industries to renewables is that they provide stability and security over the long term. 

Manufacturing accounts for one third of the world’s energy consumption. US being one of the biggest manufacturing countries in the world, needs a lot of energy to keep the manufacturing process running. Renewable energies offer the most effective method for reducing this energy consumption, and manufacturers around the world are exploring unique ways of using renewable energy with this goal in mind. 

There are other factors that make renewable energy indispensible. Erratic weather events, combined with over pressured electricity network infrastructure and advances in technology mean the time is right to be exploring and embracing the opportunities for affordable, reliable power through microgrids.

Benefits of Microgrid


It can improve system reliability because it can operate separately from the main electricity grid.


In case the main grid is down, the micro-grid will keep working.


Micro-grids have the potential to reduce costs by reducing reliance on the main grid.


Implementing a microgrid provides facilities with clean energy at a lower cost than conventional power generation. 

Benefits with Gridscape:

Cost savings

Our microgrids are value based and technologically advanced and flexible. Overall solar microgrids are a lot more affordable and value based compared to other souces of energy, also in the long run it helps in overall cost savings.

Easy scalability

Our AI-powered operating system not only makes our grid future-proof but also highly customisable.

Greater reliability and less dependency on energy from fossil fuels

Our microgrids help reduce grid congestion and improve resiliency for the distribution system by combining local photovoltaic generation and energy storage, thus reducing the utility load where substations are near maximum capacity. The mircogrid also provided power in case there is any power outage.

Energy goals

Helps critical facilities reach zero net energy goals.

Customer care

We are very much committed to our customers, your goals are our goals. Gridscape works as a team with its customers.

Case Studies

Browse through other case studies to know more about how we have helped colleges go solar

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